COURSES MODULE Track Dates/customers/instructors

Having trouble keeping track of who is signed up for which course? Not sure if your staff members are available to teach that course starting next week or not? Worried that some customers may not have paid the balance yet but aren't sure who? ...then use EVE's Courses module to sort it all out.


Create Courses In Seconds

EVE Course Screen Using EVE's Course Wizard, you can create courses and timetables in seconds, including assigning dates, times, staff members, locations, etc. Once you have created one course, you can instruct EVE to copy and schedule the course structure to run any time you wish. You might choose ot run a course

once a day, every week, once a month. Tell EVE that you want to run the course schdule over the next month, next year, or even next 5 years if you choose. EVE will create your schedule in seconds. Imagaine that, being able to set an entire years course schedule in a few minutes. EVE is flexible, you can amend and adapt the courses as you wish should changes occur.

Once you are satisified with your schedule, EVE can assit you to market teh courses you have created. You can sell places on each course and EVE will take care of enrolling students onto the correct dates and keeping track of number of places available and amounts outstanding, etc.


Print or email, course paperwork, waivers, dive site directions, timetables, right at the point of sale

During the enrollment process, EVE will ask if you want to print or email waivers, dive site directions, student timetable, or any other documents you want to make available, right there at the point of sale. You can even print out a PIC Details Confirmation form containing all the customer info so your students can verify their details are correct before you upload the certification details onto the PIC.


Certify with PADI directly from EVE

While we're talking about the PIC, did you know that only through EVE, you may certify your students diectly with PADI with a click of a few buttons from within the EVE program. Using the customer and course information stored within EVE, you can upload their details directly from their course straight onto PIC OnLine. A few clicks later and the information is uploaded, including the student image you have stored in EVE. You can even print a temporary PIC to issue to the student after uploading to PADI. We are not just saying you can do one at a time, you can certify the entire class in an instant. Only through EVE can you do this.


Instant contact and Logistical Managment

EVE provides you with instant communication to your students enrolled on a class or range of classes. You may contact the entire course attendees at anytime via email or better still using sms text. Send any message, including timetable adjustments, reminders of what to bring, congratulatory messages, all with a couple of clicks. You can even automate messages to be sent upon set points during a course.


Course Management

The Courses Module helps you to keep track of all your past, present and planned courses. To each course you can assign modules with specific dates & times, instructors, locations and customers. You can use different instructors for each module and also produce training invoices for each course.

You can view customers on courses including amounts paid and owed and see both completed and uncompleted training schedules. When you mark the course as complete, EVE will even prompt you about customers that did not attend all the composite modules before marking them as certified. Use EVE’s interface to PADI’s PIC On-Line to submit certification data as soon as the course is completed.

You can also track options purchased and expenses associated with the course to ensure your courses are fully profitable. A complete breakdown of the costs incurred for each course can be viewed (instructor salary, pool hire, van hire, fuel costs, etc.). The overall profit is automatically calculated.


Sell or dispay Course information OnLine.

For EVE customers that use EVE Websites or our EVE OnLine Store and Booking System, your entire range of courses and schedules maybe integrated to the relevent course pages online for customer information and purchasing. Each and everytime someone books online, you recieve instant notification in the store and the sale is recorded in EVE automatically. EVE will even send automatic texts and or emails to the customers when the sale is completed. You dont have to do a thing. Set it up and EVE will take care of the rest.